Monday 4 March 2013

8 Mile
Yes pretty old movie, but astonishing. It illustrates us Eminem's life. It explains to us the reality in Detroit these days. No laws and the only thing that can save you from living in a camper is music. Not any kind of music, Rap. Well we see Rabbit that has to face all his problems, family, girlfriend, money, friends and manages to escape from all of these by singing. In the end after Marshal arrives first at a musical contest he goes back to work. An incredible story .Rating 8/10
Another film that I would like to review is Skyfall. I have to admit that I was totally not impressed with the new James Bond . I've never been one of his great fans , but with Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace my expectations  raised. This movie was really disappointed. Yes, I admit that the special effects are good (as the first scene on the train), but what lacked was a consistent story and plot. A quite obvious plot full of holes which the film makes no reference to. Plus I have to say that the last scenes was very poor. I do not think a criminalgoes to scotland with a helicopter, minigun only to kill a member of the secret services. Rating 6/10
The Lord Of the Rings: I, II and III

Today I am doing a review on my favorite movie: The Lord of the Rings. Although published several years ago I want to give my personal opinion. I love that movie, in all respects. All the characters are built by following the narrow descriptions of the book.Unforgettable special effects , Peter Jackson manages to take us to Middle Earth . Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and mages. Are all represented with defects and human characteristics that make them likely to us all. Each character is iconic and corresponds to an aspect of life , with the ring representing the power to which any man can not resist. I really wish that all of you you watched it at least once because it represents the history of cinema.

Friday 1 March 2013

The godfather
An incredible movie full of suspense. It tells the life of the Godfather Don Corleone and his family. the author explores the Sicilian reality and all its ramifications .The movie begins with the typical Sicilian marriage and introduces us to the main characters. In the film, every aspect that we have read in mafian related books comes out. Disputes between godfathers, murders, betrayal and much more. Michael is the son of Vito and after that his father is seriously injured  takes his place and in a thrilling final kills all those who have betrayed him. The music is also incredibly similar to the southern italy one and makes an creates an unforgettable movie.

Thursday 7 February 2013

George Jung is the son of a worker often at odds with his wife believes that gains too little. As soon as he becomes an adult can quickly become a point of reference in the States of the sixties for cocaine trafficking in Colombia. He has so much money that he does not know where to put it,. He also gets caught by the FBI twice because use of cocaine. The story is true and the director has met with the protagonist. Depp passes his character a sense of omnipotence to the sadness of loneliness . Penelope Cruz appears only halfway through the film and is her  presence is not so essential . The eding of this movies is its backbone. Only the last scenes are worth a ticket.

Not the least of a series of futuristic action thriller, Blade, is not just a vampire movie as it might seem, and that the producers want to emphasize. Also because the vampires in this story are not like that tradition has taught us, they come out of the usual fees to become even more fearsome beings, are terrifying and fascinating at the same time. The protagonist of the story is a superhero, half man and half vampire, who has superhuman powers and sharp weapons, and knows how to use them. His name is Blade  and is not a hero like the others, is a mixture of good and bad, has within itself a dark side against which is in perpetual conflict.
Acts of revenge, because of a hatred that was born since he was just a baby, and his mother bitten by a vampire, has "caught the bad." And it is only to avenge the death of his mother, who begins the war against the creatures of the night.
His most formidable opponent is the supreme name of Deacon Frost , who heads the House of Erebus, a secret society of assassins warriors who want to subjugate the entire planet under the hegemony of vampires.
The character Blade was not chosen at random, in fact, is a comic book hero appeared for the first time in 1973 as a character in "Tomb of Dracula" from Marvel Comics, who became well known to Americans, especially when he joined the Man spider. It is one of the first comic book superheroes to have African-American, and one of its features is to have no scruples because of his dark half, is a loner, with no contact with the outside world, and that is not in a position to express emotions.
The actor Wesley Snipes seemed the most suitable person to impersonate Blade because of his mastery of martial arts, and, according to the producers, in addition to meeting the requirements appropriate physical, manages to convey a sense of strength and power that a superhero must possess . The actor was immediately happy with the idea of ​​having to play a character in a comic book, "... it is fantastic. You can create a different voice, a new look, this is how the character is not Wesley Snipes but Blade."

Tuesday 15 January 2013

American History X is a reflection of hatred and racism in the united states. Kaye is a boy who lost his father and is disappointed by the "injustices" around him, who channels the anger at the world in the "politics" of a hate group, where he believes he will find strength and security. The strong point of American history X are just the flashbacks, from which the viewer can learn the causes of the fate of Derek. In reviewing the facts that have imprisoned his brother, Danny stroll down memory lane to find the "root of all evil." But it is precisely that Derek, revealing the violence in the prison by members of the Aryan Brotherhood, explains how the hatred for everything and everyone had blinded him. The explanation of what happened to him, Derek does not want to say to his brother what to do or not do, in that moment the only thing that matters for the former skinhead is that Danny understands that sooner or later in life everything is paid for, and the tragic ending confirms this. American History X is not only an analysis of the phenomenon of neo-fascist skinheads, but also a condemnation of racial prejudice, an issue much discussed in the United States. The film is made even more "poetic" an accurate picture and a script that perfectly expresses the theme narrated.
The darkness seems to have swallowed definitely Batman, as well as his human alter ego Bruce Wayne. The protagonist went from hero to criminal, sacrificing himself with terrible accusation to keep alive a lie. Meanwhile, Gotham seems to have solved its problems, with the crime rate reduced to a minimum thanks to the anti-crime law desired by the late Attorney Harvey Dent. Yet, that is a city that lives on a lie: a lie that toppled good and evil, which elected a criminal to hero citizen and has unjustly destroyed the icon of his vigilante. A lie which however can not protect Gotham for long: not when a new, dangerous criminal is about to make his entrance into the city, a ruthless murderess from his face hidden, incomprehensible as its objectives and scary as his metallic voice. And when a new, dark figure comes to disturb the sleep of the inhabitants: a thief in the figure feline, it shook from his stupor even the same Wayne. The masked vigilante of Gotham seems obliged to return to get back his role, but, perhaps, the "old" Batman can not be against a very enigmatic as Bane, who soon discovers him tied with a dark past.

Wirkola does not seem to be very interested in creating believable characters and develop tension through the construction of history. What interests him, after a minimum wage of presentation of the situation, is to act as wildest possible by introducing zombies and staging the fight to the death between them and the guys who want to try to survive.
Bad special effects, however, is always carried out with the intent fiercely good-natured fun, just a bit of fun 'lugubrious and certainly bloody. The cult scene par excellence - exemplifies this approach - is the one where one of the protagonists hanging from a rock face along with a zombie, but instead of a rope or a shrub, it is hung on the innards "unrolled" another zombie is located on top of the cliff. The spirit of unbridled Peter Jackson joined the villainy of some trashy Troma style, Offering guests a frozen snow that gives suggestions austere, almost metaphysical. Not everything works as it should and there are moments of tiredness, but overall the film takes, fun and sometimes surprising.
Dead Snow is for lovers of splatter and entertainment dementia: a horror unleashed that starts pretending to look for the atmosphere and the silence of the forest before heading off on a tangent and never return to the basis of rationality.
United States, on the eve of the Civil War. The bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz of German origins, in a cart dentist, is looking for the Brittle brothers, to deliver them to the authorities rather dead than alive and collect the reward. To find them, he hires a slave named Django, promising freedom to mission completed. Between the two men the result is a human and professional association that leads them through the plantations of America and racist horrors in search of criminals on the run and the wife of Django, Broomhilda, sold as a slave to some landowner slave trader.
Tarantino is holding a genre story that is also a piece of American history: the western is the ideal choice, but it is obviously a western that does not fall under the big sky of tradition.
Here, more than ever, the pleasure of cinema, to do it as well as to admire him, is in every fold of the text in the expansive recitation of the characters, with highlights of Samuel L. Jackson and Di Caprio, in the power of dialogue , the use of music and looks, who has resurrected the Italian cinema of the spaghetti western and resulted in new splendor in the game.
Although the film does not bring with it nothing of the wonderful Corbucci of Django, if not a message of love, enclosed in the title and refrain of Luis Bacalov, and a hint of horror, which rhymes with racism, Django Unchained work is impeccable fully resolved, which proceeds as a long treadmill from a starting-grotesque cynical, almost to the Coen brothers, to a speech more deeply cruel and a total redemption, given the character of Christoph Waltz, who puts to rest any sterile controversy.
The pleasure of the text is so real, verifiable, undeniable result of satisfaction of the expectations that we had placed in it. Nevertheless, Barthes would say, there are texts of pleasure and enjoyment of texts, which exceed the norm, causing a shock, a state of disorientation that is indescribable.